Collaborative Members
The mission of the HMS Hub is to create new resource paths of communication and reduce trauma for children and families of Harrison, Monona, and Shelby counties by expanding protective factors through increased service connections. Collaborative Purposes: To better serve children and families in the three-county community To inspire and mobilize a collaborative network To support the collective work of educators, organizations, and nonprofits serving children and families To identify gaps and duplication of services and programs To establish and strengthen relationships with families and service organizations To implement solutions using the combined strength of the collaborative community Guided by the 5 Conditions of Collective Impact, HMS Hub members agree to develop the following conditions: All participants have a common agenda for change, including a shared understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed-upon actions. Collecting data and measuring results consistently across all the participants will ensure shared measurement for alignment and accountability. Participants will develop a plan of action that outlines and coordinates mutually reinforced activities for each participant. Participants commit to open and continuous communication across the participants to build trust, ensure mutual objectives, and create common excitement and motivation. Membership: Participation in the HMS Hub is open to organizations and individuals interested in fostering the vision by actively engaging in the planning and work of the Hub. Process: The HMS Hub embraces open discussion and informal agreements to make most decisions through a consensus of ‘majority rule’. Formal choices will be made through open discussion among members present at the meetings. Decisions that require a vote will be conducted with the “Fist to Five” method. A Fist means: “I object and will block consensus, or I need more discussion/information.” 1 Finger means: “I’ll just barely go along.” Or “I don’t like this but it's not quite a no.” or, “I think there is a lot more work to do on this proposal.” In consensus, this indicates standing aside, or not agreeing but not blocking the consensus. 2 fingers mean: “I have reservations, but I’ll go along.” 3 fingers mean: “I like most of it, but not all, or I’m neutral.” 4 fingers mean: “I am mostly satisfied with this idea – I can support and assist.” 5 fingers mean: “I am very pleased with this idea and can fully support and assist with it.” To become a collaborative member scroll to the bottom of this page and fill out the form.
(To join the Collaborative, scroll to the bottom and fill out the form.)
Current Collaborative Members
Boys Town Iowa
Burgess Public Health
Kaylee Kirkpatrick
Debie Lahr
Catholic Charities Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Serene Lee
CHI Health
Anna Buckingham
Community Member
Robert Mortenson
Jenny Sharrick
Liz Addison
Caitlin Bliek
Kerry Hurley
Green Hills Area Education Agency
Kathy Hanafan
Harlan Community School District
Brenda Renter
Jenny Barnett
Harrison County Home and Public Health
Tabbi Melby
David Sherer
Heartland Family Service
Lorelle Mueting
Mary O’Neill
Heistand Family Foundation
Deb Sprecker
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Molly Franken
Iowa State Extension and Outreach
Judy Dittmar
Myrtue Medical Center Community Health and Behavioral Health
Tina Holdsworth
Joan Kloewer
NAMI Southwest Iowa
Anna Killpack
Project Harmony
Colleen Brazil
Shelby County Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Todd Valline
Southwest Iowa Mental Health Disability Services Region
Shelly Welter
Lonnie Maguire
Thriving Families Alliance
Patricia Russmann
West Central Community Action – Head Start
Tara Bates
Paula Nagel
Woodbine Community School District
Tracy Kelley
Woodbine Community Food Pantry Outreach Center
Kathy Waite