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Why use a collective impact approach?Individual programs and agencies can address problems that are simpler or less complex. Collective impact is a way to solve complex social problems like child abuse and neglect. This method moves away from the traditional ways of addressing social problems to a committed group of people working together to address community problems.
Who should be involved in collective impact efforts?Complex social problems will only be solved when cross-sector organizations, businesses and communities come together – everyone should be involved. Contact the Collaborative Director if you are interested in becoming involved in the HMS HUB.
What is a steering committee?This is an oversite group that sets the initiatives strategic direction. This group is an important part of the success of the initiative. The steering committee includes a crosse-sector group of leaders, decision-makers, and community members who provide strategic direction, champion the effort, and align their own organizations work to the common agenda. They use data to help inform a common agenda and strategy for change. They help track the progress of the work with agreed upon indicators. The steering committee provides strategic guidance, vison and oversite to the collaboration.
What is a backbone agency?This is support provided by an independent agency, which often includes a funded staff person dedicated to moving the initiative forward. They are essential to an organization that mobilizes, coordinates and facilitates the process of collective impact.
What are action groups?Collective impact initiatives create opportunities for many people to be involved through various groups and levels of engagement; action group participation is one such opportunity. Action groups are where the action occurs, and goals are brought to life. Members have firsthand experience with the issue, are genuinely interested in affecting the issue, and are action-oriented “doers” who commit to effecting change in the community.
What is community engagement?Community engagement is the heart of collective impact. This is a process where community members own and help produce the result will lead to greater impact. It is recognized that people don’t always need programs and agencies to serve them, and often can achieve more working together with neighbors and families to solve problems and strengthen their communities. Solving community problems takes people not just programs.At times agencies only ask the question and do work for or to communities without doing work with communities. Building relationships, leadership, and engagement strengthens communities. It creates a healthier, more vibrant context for other strategies to succeed, and contributes to that success.
What is shared measurement?Shared measurement is a key part of collective impact. This is a way of identifying a set of indicators and then using that information to gauge progress and to make improvements to the process over time.
Will HMS Hub be providing services?The HMS Hub will not be providing direct services in the community. The Hub will be connecting community resources and services to bridge gaps and barriers to accessing those services. The Hub will be promoting the agencies, programs, and services that are being provided in this community.
How can I get involved?If you are interested in learning more about the HMS Hub or ways to become more involved in the mission please contact the Collaborative Director, Tiffani Pinkerton at phone number 712-482-1280 or send an email to
What is the community calendar?The community calendar aims to remind everyone of upcoming events in Harrison, Monona and Shelby counties. The calendar is open to anyone in the community that wants to add an event in the hopes that people in the community will see it. If you have an event to add to the calendar reach out to us at: Phone: 712-482-1280 Email: Or via the form on the Stay Current page.
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